Electric Quarterly Reports


Electric Quarterly Reports are quarterly summaries of wholesale power transactions filed with FERC. They include most physical power transactions in the United States outside of Texas, Alaska, and Hawaii. They are not without interest. FERC makes EQRs available to the public, but offers only a limited interface on the one hand, or a cumbersome download of a ~30GB Visual FoxPro database on the other.


The EQR database has been taken offline. If you're interested in it, contact us, and we'll bring it back online.


We have taken a July 2008 snapshot of the FERC EQR database and made it available on an Amazon EC2 instance. To access this DB, please follow these steps:

  1. Go here (The machine uses a self-signed SSL certificate; your browser will (should!) complain. Log in anyway.)
  2. Log in as "eqr" (there is no password)
  3. Select "eqr" from the list of databases in the left-hand pane
  4. Explore the DB, with e.g. the "SQL" tab

A summary of the DB schema may be found here.

New Features (22 September 2008)

Some minor cleanup done to the database, in order to make it more usable: